So how to start off the day of work if there isn't much you can do in the studio? Spend the morning photographing of course. This leads to puting the new pictures on my website, then attempting to purchase my domain on the new site (not working out so well) and working on cataloging my inventory.
Now here starts the interesting part. In the afternoon I went to pick up my mom from work a bit early so I could talk to one of her co-workers who wanted to commission me for a ring and pendant. Got plans made with her then ran into another co-worker who had also been thinking of commissioning me for a pendant. Three commissions in about 20 min.
Then we headed out to a china/housewares store that specializes in bridal gifts as I have far too many weddings to go to this year. While there one of the guys who works there commented on my purse which I had gotten at the One of a Kind Show. This lead to talking about the One of a Kind Show, which lead to my jewellery, to shows I could sell at, to the possibility of selling my jewellery there on consignment, that and possibly a commission from him. Don't ask me how this all works but it did. So now I've got another possible store on my list. This of course gave me plenty to occupy myself in the evening as I then had to make care instruction cards for my wood jewellery and work on updating my sadly neglected portfolio for him to peruse at our next meeting. I love surprises don't you?
I have to give a lot of credit for that one to my business cards that I got from They're simple and elegant and each card has a different picture of my jewellery on it. Not only do they make me feel totally professional but it's like having a walking portfolio sitting in my purse. They're a bit more expensive than cards from Staples but they're totally worth it.
Well I think I've jabbered on enough about my day so I'll leave you with some of the photos I took yesterday! Including the incredible new felted jewellery!
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